Sunday, 27 September 2015

#1 - Sabbat The Necromagus

Not the obvious choice to start with,  I wanted to paint a Dredd miniature and I wanted to buy locally, the only shop in walking distance that stocked any Dredd miniatures at all was 6s2hit and they had a very limited selection.  I've ordered game starter kit from them but so far no joy.  On the other hand the first copy of 2000AD I ever bought contained part 2 of Judgement Day, Sabbat was the the bad guy in charge, I think that's a good enough reason.  He also wears a cloak made of faces and I never really got the hang of skin tones.

Sabbat the Necromagus
I tried to copy the colour scheme from the comics rather than the catalogue page which was a good excuse to pick up a copy, in hindsight I think there's just too much skin and I should have gone with something darker for the cloak or added more variety to the tones I used on the faces, (sort of like the catalogue page...) as it is there isn't much contrast on the miniature and it looks a bit washed out.  Aside from that I was reasonable pleased with the final miniature, first one and I think I captured most of the detail, particularly the face, the wonky eye isn't too noticeable.

I stuck with Citadel flesh tones and used a base coat, wash and layer approach.  the citadel paint range has quite a variety of flesh tones available and I used quite a few on the cloak.  t's a vast improvement to the Bronzed Flesh and Chestnut Wash that used to belong to the original paint range.  I added a final drybrush of Eldar Flesh to the cloak to give it a bit more texture after all having your face stitched into a cloak must be bad for the complexion.

Perhaps I should add some zombies for him to command, on the other hand I came across and their Paranormal Exterminators look suspiciously like ghostbusters.

First Post!

I have some new paint, a small stack of new brushes, a pile of miniatures old and new and am indulging in fit of wanton nostalgia.  I'm going to take some really bad pictures of the result and stick them on here.  It should help me spend a bit less time in front of computer screen or T.V. too.
Putting it all on a blog came about after a few false starts and after reading this one, the Judgement Day Challenge I thought it might help provide a bit of incentive to keep it up.

For the first post I've dug out some of the originals, these are from a time when Citadel Miniatures ruled the roost in terms of lead (well, metal at least) miniatures and Games Workshop produced many many different games.

Greenskins were my favourite and these are some of the last miniatures I'd painted as part of a failed attempt to assemble a Greenskin horde that could stomp across the Old World with impunity.

Night Goblin Musician

Night Goblin Fanatic

Unfortunately in their infinite wisdom Games Workshop decided to spend the last 12 months destroying the Old World so that they could replace the venerable Warhammer Fantasy Battle with  something else, there is much wailing and gnashing of teeth about it on the internet.  The horde never quite made it.

This next one is a BloodBowl Orc, the 2nd edition of BloodBowl was my first real foray into gaming and again it was Orcs all the way.
Orcland Raider BloodBowl Blocker

One last one, an Imperial Guard Lieutenant of the Tallarn Desert Raiders, this was just for fun, when it was first released it screamed Lawrence of Arabia and I think is one of the best paint jobs I managed.

Tallarn Desert Raider Lieutenant
I've set myself a target of one miniature a week.  I'd intended to make it an army project until I came across  these guys who stock another favourite supplied by  So the rules became :

  • 1 miniature per week.
  • Miniatures can come from any source.
  • Squads and vehicles get a multi-week dispensation on a discretionary basis.*
  • Base decoration is optional.
  • I may hold back completed miniatures to make sure I have one ready for next week.**
  • Game Scenery counts.

I've decided to call the project "Approximately One Miniature Per Week With No Overriding Theme".

* :- It wouldn't be fun if there wasn't an opportunity to game the system.
** :- I'm two miniatures up already, it turns out painting is easier than writing a blog post.